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I have a locker on the rear on a defender 1000 xt, if I get this does it mean that it will not be a true locker anymore,? This is what I'm understanding by the description.
Hey Adam, Your unit comes factory with what they call turf mode. With selectable lock or unlock. This is a final drive ring gear with planitary spider gears to allow the rear tires to operate at diffrent speeds when turning in unlocked mode. Turf Mode is the name as this keeps you from tearing up grass when turning as if it were in locked position the wheels are traveling a different radius and the same speed when locked. This system is problamatic due to the fact the spider gears toat the load of the axel bind diffeence when turning or one tire has more load or traction. The spider gears can break. So this kit is a solid ring gear and elimnates the unlockable option and the reliability issue of the turf mode.
Do you have a link for installation instructions I would like to see how difficult this is to install before I buy it.
We do not, This would consist of removing the transmission. This would require a clutch puller and normal hand held or power tools. Remove the transmission, split the cases the large rear ring gear is removed simply by pulling it out drop the new gear in and bolt the transmission cases back together and reinstall the transmission. The ECU will need to be sent in to reflash and turn off turf mode.
How can I tell if my 2019 can am xmr Defender has turf mode? Dose my 2019 can am xmr Defender need a turf mode delete?
There will be a switch on the dash to lock the transmisison. Yes sir we offer turf mode delete kits, the ecu also has to be reflash to turn turf mode off in the ECU.
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Could you unpin the actuator from the shift fork and leave the actuator plugged in to keep from flashing the ecu?
Yes you can on some units.
I have a 2018 can am defender xt and am looking into the turf mode delete and was wondering what flash device do i need to use on it? It has never been tuned or had anything plugged into it its all stock.
Hey David, some units depending on how you delete the turf require our custom tuning. Here is the link for that setup.
Stock bearings used?
Hello, you will continue to use to same bearings. You will only need to replace the oil seals along with the gear.
what will happen if i dont reflash the ECU.
Hey Corey, you will have check engine lights and reduced power in limp mode.